Демнчна туск меткән:Huuchin: хүвлвр хоорндк йилһән

Халхин аһулһнь бусд келнд орчулгдад уга.
Аһулһнь уга кегдлә Аһулһнь немгдлә
Ясврин тәәлвр уга
72-гч мөр: 72-гч мөр:

Hello Huuchin! Is “Пандит” the right form of the term? I believe the right form of the term should be “ᡋᠠᠨᡑᡅᡑᠠ” or “ ” (Бандида). ––[[Демнч:虞海|<Span xml:lang="zh-Hant-CN" lang="zh-Hant">虞海</Span> (<span class="Unicode">Yú Hǎi</span>)]] <Big>[[Демнчна туск меткән:虞海|<span class="Unicode">✍</span>]]</Big> 12:14, 18 Туула сарин 2012 (UTC)
Hello Huuchin! Is “Пандит” the right form of the term? I believe the right form of the term should be “ᡋᠠᠨᡑᡅᡑᠠ” or “ ” (Бандида). ––[[Демнч:虞海|<Span xml:lang="zh-Hant-CN" lang="zh-Hant">虞海</Span> (<span class="Unicode">Yú Hǎi</span>)]] <Big>[[Демнчна туск меткән:虞海|<span class="Unicode">✍</span>]]</Big> 12:14, 18 Туула сарин 2012 (UTC)

: Hello. ''Пандит'' is habitual wide-used form that is being used due to Russian influence. In traditional Mongol and Oirat, Sanskrit's sound "t" is transcribed as "d", and "p" as "b" (Clear script distincts "p" and "ph", and they sound like "b" and "p" respectively). So ''Бандида'' would be correct.

: But Clear script and Oirat canonical orthography were cancelled in Soviet Russia. The claimed reason to cancel was "spoken-written dismatch" and their "reactionary subject" as obstacle for full-scale [[:en:Likbez|likbez]] (elimination of illiteracy). Once they've been abandoned, Cyrillic script, new orthography based on spoken language (which does not display in writing [[:en:Vowel reduction|reduced vowels]]), and superior role of Russian took place. Combined with massive oppression&destruction of spitiual culture, this situation significantly affected spoken Kalmyk. So, I have to balance between canonical and actual.

: If we use ''Бандида'', it would induce people's interest to literary Oirat. But more probably, might cause discussion whether it is appropriate to refer to classical orthography rather than 'modern Kalmyk literary language, as it formed'. Nonetheless, if our nation grasps the true origin and identity of it, as well as 'where we are' and 'who we are', there are no options. Thus I welcome your remaning and don't oppose it. — [[Орлцачна тускар ухалвр:Huuchin|Хуучин]] 16:49, 27 Туула сарин 2012 (UTC)

16:49, 27 Туула сарин 2012-ә бәәдлин ясвр




Chemical Elements and other

Let's create template first. As I did for US States and Subjects of RF. It will accelerate creation of articles significantly. Calmouk 21:31, 6 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

1000 статей

Мы выходим на 1000 статей сделав штаты США и субьекты РФ. Давай не будем торопиться с хим. элементами что бы не переделывать работу. Английские темплейты очень информативны, надо изпользовать их по полной, возложив перевод на язык темплейтов. Например, Темплейт {{АНОН Таңһчин Зура}} может быть легко расширен и охватить всю инфу английского темплейта, которая сейчас не отображается. Calmouk 21:37, 6 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

Новые редакторы

Musuk пообещала закончить список стран. Пожалуйста, оставю это ей. К тому же она делает аккуратней ;) , в смысле, расшивает REF таги и т.д. Calmouk 17:19, 19 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

OK. Очень хорошо, что появились новые редакторы. Я тут еще замечал, что появились Galdan и Gebe, но пока их вкладов нет. — Хуучин 17:28, 19 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]
Для новых редакторов надо подготовить фронт работ, подготовить "списки", типа "списка стран", чтоб им, малознакомым с интерфейсом википедии, было легко на первых порах, а потом они втянутся. Calmouk 17:35, 19 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]
Нам с тобой надо сосредоточится на темплейтах. Это очень мощный инструмент для перевода таблиц. Да и не толъко таблиц, видимо.. Calmouk 17:37, 19 Хөн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

Documentation Grants

Это нашел Сар еще года 2 назад.

About ELDP The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP) is funded by Arcadia (previously known as the Lisbet Rausing Charitable Fund), which provided £20 million pounds for the Project, including £17 million for grant funding.

In its first five years, ELDP awarded up to £1.4 million in grants each year, and has now funded over 150 teams to document endangered languages across the world. Funded projects can be found from the box at the right.

Grant cycle in 2010 In 2010, a new management and organisational structure is being introduced.

The grant cycle for 2010 opens on 15 February. The deadline for receipt of applications is 1 April.

Click here for further information on new grant types and how to apply

Goals of the programme Key objectives of ELDP are

to support the documentation of as many endangered languages as possible to encourage fieldwork on endangered languages, especially by younger scholars with skills in language documentation to create a repository of resources for the linguistic, social science, and the language communities


ЮНИКОД бәәдг Тодо үзгүд

Обновил таблицу Тодо букв: Тод_бичг#Тод үзгүдин нерд. Осталась неидентифицированной одна из букв: Кх, катһр ка. И 2 буквы из Юникода получились лишними. Разберешся? Calmouk 00:03, 1 Мөчн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

Те две буквы - галики, не описанные в самоучителе Павлова. Катһр ка - я говорил на ффк, что есть проблемы с буквами К — Хуучин 19:45, 1 Мөчн сарин 2010 (UTC)[хәрүлх]



The way to күндтә a new User is to add to his User talk Page this words :


See an example with the latest User of xal.Wikipedia I have found : Демнчна туск меткән:Felipe08.

A bot can do it for you ; only, I think, for those few Users who have at least one edit.

Budelberger 14:21, 9 Бар сарин 2010 (UTC) ().[хәрүлх]

Hello Huuchin

We’re looking for someone who could translate and upload on xal.wikipedia this page or just a part of it (stub). Can you help us please? Thanks a lot --Aeron10 05:05, 26 Хөн сарин 2011 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

Зая-Пандит or Зая Бандида

Hello Huuchin! Is “Пандит” the right form of the term? I believe the right form of the term should be “ᡋᠠᠨᡑᡅᡑᠠ” or “ ” (Бандида). ––虞海 (Yú Hǎi) 12:14, 18 Туула сарин 2012 (UTC)[хәрүлх]

Hello. Пандит is habitual wide-used form that is being used due to Russian influence. In traditional Mongol and Oirat, Sanskrit's sound "t" is transcribed as "d", and "p" as "b" (Clear script distincts "p" and "ph", and they sound like "b" and "p" respectively). So Бандида would be correct.
But Clear script and Oirat canonical orthography were cancelled in Soviet Russia. The claimed reason to cancel was "spoken-written dismatch" and their "reactionary subject" as obstacle for full-scale likbez (elimination of illiteracy). Once they've been abandoned, Cyrillic script, new orthography based on spoken language (which does not display in writing reduced vowels), and superior role of Russian took place. Combined with massive oppression&destruction of spitiual culture, this situation significantly affected spoken Kalmyk. So, I have to balance between canonical and actual.
If we use Бандида, it would induce people's interest to literary Oirat. But more probably, might cause discussion whether it is appropriate to refer to classical orthography rather than 'modern Kalmyk literary language, as it formed'. Nonetheless, if our nation grasps the true origin and identity of it, as well as 'where we are' and 'who we are', there are no options. Thus I welcome your remaning and don't oppose it. — Хуучин 16:49, 27 Туула сарин 2012 (UTC)[хәрүлх]